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The kid who broke all the toys

Publicado por Ismael

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Following darkskiez's advice, I finally got Debian sid installed. I only had a mess while installing alsa-base, but it was already solved today and a simple apt-get upgrade did the job.

I write this using Mozilla 1.7.3 over GNOME 2.6. I know GNOME 2.8 is in experimental, and I might well give it a try in the following days. But first I need to make Gstreamer work here... =:)

More on the Gstreamer topic:
$ gst-launch-0.8 sinesrc ! alsasink
RUNNING pipeline ...
ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to play.
$ gst-inspect-0.8 osssink
No such element or plugin 'osssink'

What do I have to need to install for getting that osssink element?
$ sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-oss
$ gst-launch-0.8 sinesrc ! osssink
RUNNING pipeline ...

Now I hear the sine tone. I set Gstreamer preferences to use osssink and now Rhythmbox sounds again. I am even listening to Drone Zone right now! :)))

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